Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Ron Paul - Buh Bye!

So Ron Paul, the perennial Libertarian/Republican/Whatever candidate for President is giving it another whirl. He announced today he is not seeking reelection so he can gird his loins for the 2012 Presidential run.

The 75-year old doctor has been known for his obstinacy in the House and gained the nick name, "Dr. No".

He is running somewhere around 6th in the polls for Republican candidate, behind unannounced candidate Rick Perry.  Though he may have been one of the founding forces in the Tea Party, I seriously doubt he will get the GOP nod for president. 

My guess is he might run as an Independent or Libertarian or even better just not run at all. I think this will be pretty much the last we hear from Mr. Paul, though his offspring may still be a factor in the future.

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