Monday, July 26, 2010

Microsoft Unveils New Slogan. Whoop-de-friggin-do!

As with all things Microsoft, you take the good with the bad.  That goes for the latest in a series of operating systems as well as the continually lame advertising slogans the software giant foists upon the helpless public.

The latest is this:
"Be What's Next"

In the case of a phone, that would be the iPhone rather than the derivtive and lame Kin.

In the case of music downloads that would be the iTunes Store rather than Symphony.

In the case of games, that would be the Wii not the XBox.

What is it with Microsoft?  They are not what's next, they are what someone else pioneered before.  Need I tell the story of Windows?  Looks like Mac, acts like Mac, just doesn't work as good as Mac.

What's the next slogan going to be?

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