Sunday, September 14, 2008

Lehman Bros. Flops & Merill Lynch Sells Out!

It's the economy stupid! That should be the new rally cry for Obama and Biden. Tomorrow morning will see the demise of Lehman Brothers, the sale of Merrill Lynch to Bank of America and a few dozen stock brokers jumping out the windows on Wall Street.

The unbridled and unregulated greed that has driven the Republican "greed is good" economic engine has just sputtered to a halt. Alan Greenspan spoke of it today on ABC This Week, and his words seem like prophecy more than ever.

This is the result of the fast-buck mentality that has driven things like the sub-prime mortgage scam and other schemes. It's time we got the foxes out of the regulation hen house and began de-politicising the regulation of our markets and economy. The Bush program of giving away the farm on the alter of the "invisible had of the market" must stop!

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