Wednesday, December 05, 2007

35% of Toys On Shelves Have Toxic Levels of Lead!

I am getting tired of the lead paint in toys story, but every day there seems to be another new twist. Today the Michigan-based Ecology Center along with the national Center for Health, Environment and Justice released a study that showed only 20% of the 1200 tested toys showed no trace of lead, and a full 35% had levels over the federal limit. Here’s the alarming part, these toys are still on shelves and no recall has been issued on them.

I suggest if you are buying for a child this Christmas, check out the Consumer Action Guide to Toxic Chemicals in Toys. ( Though there are not many that are not poisoned, there are still a few that pass muster and you can always buy your kids books! (If they are printed in the US or Europe!)

By the way, guess where most toys are made today? China...BINGO! Time for American consumers to insist that the government enforce product safety standards on imported goods.

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