Wednesday, July 18, 2007

McCain Snaps at Press - His Campaign at an End?

When a candidate stops talking about his campaign he probably doesn't have one anymore. That's the case with John McCain, who in a moment of frustration told reporters, “I’m not going to talk about my campaign anymore... I will not discuss it or any aspect of it. Thank you.”

And with that comment he ceased to be a viable candidate. His campaign troubles were the only thing interesting about McCain in recent months. Since he started towing the Bush party line, he was a non-news item. After all, the reporters are already just printing the White House press releases verbatim, why do they need someone else to repeat them?

McCain's trouble have made for interesting press coverage, but now with his press staff gone and his finances depleted he has no choice but to throw in the towel. The problem is he doesn't know he's already out of the race.

Note to John McCain: Call a press conference and tell reporters you want to spend more time with your family, the gracefully walk away. It's not pretty watching you self destruct!

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