Thursday, June 21, 2007

Ultra-Orthodox Jewish Terrorist Stopped From Bombing Gay Pride Parade In Jerusalem

Once again crazy fundamentalists are causing trouble. Seems this time they are not crazy Christian fundamentalist or Muslim fundamentalists, but Ultra-Orthodox Jewish fundamentalists!

All the anti-gay rhetoric being spewed by the Ultra-Orthodox in Jerusalem against gays finally paid off in the form of a terrorist bomber. Police stopped a 32-year-old religious Jew who was carrying a homemade explosive device. I have to wonder where in the Talmud it says "a wise man bombs his countrymen"?

Every time anti-gay rhetoric cranks up, violence against gays increases. It happens here with our own home grown fundamentalist wackos and it happens overseas. The common thread is the fundamentalist part of the equation. These people have a really poor grasp of theology and an even worse handle on reality.

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