Saturday, November 11, 2006

Nude Sculptures Are Forbidden In Colorado!

So if you live in Colorado, you probably have a real problem with the human body. It’s dirty! At least according to fundamentalist wackos in Loveland, Co. There the city council has been forced to move a sculpture of three nudes from a public location because children can see it. What?

Guess all those dirty sculptures in the Vatican and all over Paris, London, Rome, Athens will have to be rated PG-17. May God save us all from these idiots.

Ok, so maybe I am being uncharitable, but come on folks, if we start finding porn in every depiction of the human anatomy, then where do we stop? Doe we get everyone to cover themselves from head to toe in black cloth? Funny, this is exactly what is going on in countries like Saudi Arabia or Afghanistan. Does no one see the irony in this crap?

Besides, isn't Colorado home of Ted Haggard?

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