Thursday, July 20, 2006

Senate Leaves All Children Behind

In a stunning move coinciding with President Bush speaking at the NAACP, the Senate Appropriations Committee froze funds for the popular and effective Project Head Start . Additionally, the No Child Left Behind funding which was scheduled for $25 billion received only half that ammount.

What can I say? This is so ridiculous a move it defies comment. My only thought is that this is part of what would appear to be a systematic gutting of public education in America by the Neo-cons.

Why? Well my guess is so that rich people can send their kids to private schools on voucher money and the rest of the common rabble will receive what amounts to “Bantu Education”. That infamous system was set up by the former South African regime to assure a class of semi-educated laborers who would know just enough to do their job without questioning authority.

Ok, so it does not defy comment.

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